The Ghosts
Close your eyes and think of a ghost, won't you? Disregarding your lack of eye lids, what you've pictured within your mind's eye is most likely an Ectoplast. The perfect beginner ghost to saddle within. Slippery in movement and to the touch, Ectoplasts are effective haunters and exceptional for learning the ropes.

The Ghosts
Meet Winky. Shall I give you one guess where it acquired that name? This f-eye-sty Ghost can summon a delightfully disgusting puddle of sludge, capable of smothering a large area.

The Ghosts
Lovely Pokey. You'd think with a spikey little one like this, you're better off keeping your distance. But this Ghostie actually fancies themself a bit of a marksman, having honed their long range Ecto Torpedo.

The Ghosts
This chap's Brainy. And before you say anything, yes, Brainy's dim as a doorknob. But what they lack in intellect, they more than make up for in hurling massive globs of slime.

The Ghosts
Ah, the infamous Slimer. Can we ever be certain where this insatiable entity's allegiance truly lies? Perhaps not, but what we can be certain of is the hideous amount of noxious slime they can produce in an instant.

The Ghosts
Classic Slimer
If there's one thing you can always count on, it's that Slimer will always show up when least expected. Neither time nor freezing temperatures will stop this gooey goofball from getting into trouble again and again. His chaotic nature and reckless abandon will have him spewing puddles of slime everywhere. Hope you brought a jacket!

The Ghosts
RGB Slimer
Slimer has always been a very "animated" ghost, but something about this era of Slimer screams Saturday morning cartoons, and rightfully so! Slimer used to help out around the firehouse in "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon back in the 80s!

The Ghosts
Nunzio Scoleri
The stouter of the Scoleri Bros always had a heavy hand and even heavier slime expulsion. Nunzio may not favor the electric abilities his brother is so fond of, but that doesn't stop him from being an ectoplasm-spewing nightmare that would even impress Slimer!
The Ghosts
Looking for a Ghost filled with terrifying aggression? Aren't we all! Take sight, if you dare, of the Ghouly. This class of spectral menace specializes in getting up close and personal. Every encounter leaves its victims filled with extra fear and... insanity. The Ghouly is perfect for terrorizing "Bustwerps" and "shrillvilians" alike.

The Ghosts
Perhaps the inspiration for "devils" as we know them in literature, the Drake is a fiery, red fiend with a penchant for possessing lesser, worried living humans. Love the Drake.

The Ghosts
If gloom had a name, it would be Infernal. While I must admit the chain-draped aesthetic is a bit much, even for me, it's a necessity for something with a mastery of and born from pure darkness.

The Ghosts
Imagine, if you will, the embodiment of concentrated fear. The Wraith is a glorious and violent creature that seeks to manifest horror with a Nightmare Pulse of pure psychokinetic energy.
The Ghosts
Most spectral entities prefer to be subtle in their torment of the living. Not so much with the Basher. An otherworldly manifestation built to destroy everything they can! Perhaps sneaking isn't your forte? This Ghost-type exists purely to put the BUMP in "bump in the night."

The Ghosts
Lunk is the kind of Ghost that prefers working with their hands. Provided that work includes smashing anything and everything within their reach.

The Ghosts
With the Squidler and its monstrous tentacles everything is a weapon. Making a mess has never felt so... ghastly.

The Ghosts
Bashing isn't only a physical mindset. Courtesy of the Gloom, we've observed that it can be spectral as well. Crush and main from anywhere you choose!
The Ghosts
So many of the living are afraid of what they see, but oftentimes forget that it's what they hear that will send shivers down their spine. This happens to be the Howler's area of expertise. They focus on sound to distract and confuse, building chaos as a means to flank and catch their victims off guard. Additionally, my studies have revealed that weaker Minion ghosts respond particularly well to the call of the Howler.

The Ghosts
Built to scream, Shriek is the perfect Howler. Not much in the way of personality, but their piercing scream will leave your ears ringing for hours.

The Ghosts
I can't recall the number of times I wished I could silence one of my colleagues. Here we are, on the other side, and Chomp has perfected such an ability with their Silence Shroud.

The Ghosts
The nightmarish words spoken by Bramble aren't necessarily meant for the living. Instead, it prefers to focus its voice on an ethereal creation of its own, the Floating Seeker.
The Ghosts
This Ghost type you MUST already know. A personal favorite of mine... the Poltergeist! As cruel as it is quick, and as savvy as it is SHOCKING. The Poltergeist uses electrical energy infused P.K.E. to wreak havoc on rudimentary ghost hunting gear.

The Ghosts
Zappy should've been named "Zippy" based on the way they dash around a location. I suppose the stunning surprise left in its wake may have informed its alias.

The Ghosts
Pain without healing. Such is the Gnasher, grizzled by time and experience. Its snare has become its greatest weapon as the Gnasher whips a powerful chain arc to jolt groups of the living.

The Ghosts
A personification of the living's environmental cruelty, Toxie is bathed in chemical brilliance. A mischievous maker or a reckoning called upon by the tortured Earth itself? I'll leave you to decide.

The Ghosts
Tony Scoleri
When it comes to the living, Tony definitely holds an "electrifying" grudge! He'll zip and zap everything until every human he crosses is as crispy as they day he turned into a ghost!
The Ghosts
Bereft of life, Ghosts are altogether insatiable beings. When it comes to frantically filling this soulless void, the Glutton takes the cake. And the table… the chairs… everything in close proximity. You see, the more a Glutton consumes, the stronger it grows. The world is this ghoul’s buffet and this desperate, greedy, little Glutton is always ready for seconds.

The Ghosts
While it’s been dubbed “Muncher,” one could argue that “wholesale devour” may be a more eponymous title. The largest appetite of all the Gluttons I’ve observed! While Muncher has the capacity to eat through several tons of inanimate waste, it's shown a unique preference for objects of a metallic nature which provide Munchers with bonus “bloat;” a phrase I never believed an intellectual, like myself, would ever have to write. When Muncher has its full, it can reform that refuse into small pellets of destructive force.

The Ghosts
What goes down must come up, or so is the motto of the Spew. And when this Ghost reaches its fill, it unleashes a tornado of yucky destruction.

The Ghosts
Heap is a floating pressure cooker of trash. Its ectoplasmic body creates a sticky plaster around anything it consumes, clumping scraps together inside itself to be used however it may see fit later. If you believed junk stunk before, behold what happens when Heap hurls.
The Ghosts
The demonic Possessor is a beast-like monster with extreme brute force that can sniff out a scared Buster like a slab of rotting beef. Slow on the prowl and perhaps not the most agile of creatures, the Possessor compensates for its bulky lumbering by living up to its moniker; haunting objects with a ferocious, unbridled speed…not to mention possessing the occasional Ghostbuster or two…

The Ghosts
Terror Sentinel
For the Terror Sentinel, everything is possessable. Sure, it's the specialty of this entire ghost type, but only the Terror Sentinel can manage to turn the very walls that surround you, or the floors upon which you walk into a minefield of paranormal pain. This variant delights in luring the living into an inescapable situation so that it can unleash its horror upon them.

The Ghosts
Determined to cause mischief with as much might as it can muster, the Hellion looks inward for its power, then - with a chilling roar - unleashes it upon the unwitting in decimating bursts. Ghostbusters who find themselves in the Hellion's path ask for nothing but slime, damage, and fear.

The Ghosts
Have you ever seen pure ethereal energy recomposed in the form of a beast? I doubt it. One couldn't imagine how dangerous an entity like that may be! Luckily, we needn't imagine. For this very creature exists... I'm referring to Scuttle. A name that, even I must admit, doesn't do justice to this effervescent creepy crawly. Nevertheless, Scuttle is a Possessor variant that can take control of the very air which surrounds it. When facing off with this glowing monstrosity, it won't just be its vibrant appearance that takes your breath away....
The Ghosts
Who watches the Watcher? Our studies have unequivocally concluded that this ghost type is a particularly grotesque and elusive little creature. It’s safe to assume that before you ever notice a Watcher, it’s certainly already noticed you, courtesy of its giant external eye, attached via a disgusting semi-corporeal tendon. Watchers are known for sending its occult oculus hurtling toward intended scare targets and then either recoiling it back to its socket OR pulling its torso to the eye itself, phasing through anything that stands between them. So yes, quite hideous all around.

The Ghosts
Bug-Eye is a Watcher variant that wants all eyes on itself. Slippery as all get out, Bug-Eye is the kind of ghost that gets face-to-face with its victims. Count its victims quite unlucky that Bug-Eye is nearsighted. The thought of even a small bit of debris in my eye would send me reeling, but Bug-Eye has no issue using that big ball upon its cranium to torment the living.

The Ghosts
It seems a bit daft to consider any ghost “mean,” but I couldn’t imagine describing a Gawk any other way. Perhaps it caught a glimpse of itself in the mirror with that great big sentry upon its head? Of all the Watchers, the Gawk variant is the most ruthless. The tempest-like pupil isn’t just for hypnotic show either, it’s the source of a cold-hearted ability that will leave your spine tingling. Literally.

The Ghosts
Peeky is the type of variant that, for lack of a better term, likes to keep an eye out. Keeping its distance and striking when no one’s looking may be a strategy to accommodate Peeky’s intense shyness. A ghost? Shy? Why yes, it’s possible. Perhaps it’s the pulsing pustules on its torso, it’s walrus-like fangs, or maybe it’s just mildly introverted. Either way, I shan’t be the one to coax a Peeky out of its shell.
The Ghosts
The Overlord. An unrelenting spectral force. Unlike other specters who prefer to hide, the Overlord SEEKS. Born of pain, the fear, and darkness, the Overlord is as mighty as they are clever. They're imbued with never-before-documented passive abilities that make them even more difficult to tether. The Overlord's aura emits a Looming Dread, compounding a creeping sense of fear within anyone in range. Alas, don't expect Overlords to "slime" or "shock" those in their way, rather, they devastate them by swinging their deadly claws and hurling any physical objects they can sink their P.K.E. into. Wrangling with an Overlord is quite a horrifying challenge, any way you set it. The kind of ghastly, ghostly encounter that makes me thank my stars I'm a flippin' book.

The Ghosts
Behold the Ghost of Halloween! Samhain is pure malevolence, driven by the unholy desire to create a sprawling legion of darkness under his evil command. Earliest accounts of Samhain date back to the seventh century. The Celts held massive feasts in his name, though whether to entice or deter him is somewhat unclear. Regardless, his immense power over other creatures living and... nonliving, is irrefutable. On the very rare occasion that Samhain has been defeated and imprisoned, he has broken free from his shackles and risen again. Stronger... and angrier.

The Ghosts
Anguish is a feeling many are aware of, but few have truly experienced. Well, I assure you, it is the goal of the Darklock to ensure EVERYONE becomes intimately familiar. As long as suffering has existed, so too has this twisted type of Overlord. Personally, I've spent a great deal of time pondering which begat which! Yes, facing off against the Darklock is harrowing, indeed, not only because of the pain it can inflict, but also the twisted sense of euphoria it emanates while feeding off the foolish few who try to stand in its way.

The Ghosts
Human fear of death manifested, the Gravebringer drinks dread the way the modern day skin bags imbibe pumpkin-spiced lattes; guzzled by the gallon! The Gravebringer seeks to unlock true darkness within the heart of the hopeless. Brave men and women have been left nothing more than quivering husks after only a few moments in the Gravebringer's presence. Sickening, if you ask me, and quite hilarious. Isolating the weakest link in the chain and dismantling one's resolve is a favorite pastime of this corporeal monstrosity. Speaking as a personified, talking tome, no other creature in any realm sends a chill up my spine (ha!) like the Gravebringer.

The Ghosts
"Spine-chilling" is a blistering understatement when describing the cold malevolence that exudes from Garraka, a formidable icy overlord. One look into his cold, soulless eyes will make you wish you never crossed paths, and that's not even taking into account the baleful ice he can summon with his tremendous psychokinetic energy. Not even the nuclear space heaters strapped to the Ghostbusters' backs can keep them warm for long.